Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Host Review

Melanie Stryder refuses to fade away. The earth has been invaded by a species that take over the minds of their human hosts while leaving their bodies intact, and most of humanity has succumbed.
Wanderer, the invading "soul" who has been given Melanie's body, knew about the challenges of living inside a human: the overwhelming emotions, the too vivid memories. But there was one difficulty Wanderer didn't expect: the former tenant of her body refusing to relinquish possession of her mind.
Melanie fills Wanderer's thoughts with visions of the man Melanie loves - Jared, a human who still lives in hiding. Unable to separate herself from her body's desires, Wanderer yearns for a man she's never met. As outside forces make Wanderer and Melanie unwilling allies, they set off to search for the man they both love!


Anonymous said...

I think that your review is very shallow.

Hot Pants said...

You review has inspired me to read the book. I just finished and wrote up my review. I hope you are pleased. If not, I will try harder next time. I aspire to be one of your 70.

This is not Amy, just another hot girl at her house right now, using her computer.

ahab said...

Good to hear other girl at amy's house..I am seriously looking for 68 to 70 more wives preferably virgins, but I am willing to consider each on a case by case basis. Please tell all your bloggin friends not to fear the Ahab. I am not creepy. Just a Muslim that is torn by the countless tender mercies I have seen manifest in Catholosism.

E said...

It's weird because I would have guessed you were mormon. You remind me of my brother, Brother Morgan.

Anonymous said...

Pick me Pick me I am a virgin..just non practicing, does that count??